
  • Alam Suparman STKIP Rokania
  • Siska STKIP Rokania
  • Hendri Mulyadi STKIP Rokania



Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai, Heading sepak bola


The problem in this research is that the ability of the heading is stil weak and can be seen from the time the ball heading are still unfocused and lose to the opposing players when doing  aerial  duels at the Dayo FC Football Club, Tandun District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This study aims to determine the relationship between leg muscle explosive power and the distance of headings in the Dayo FC Football Club Game, Tandun District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This study uses a correlational research design. The study population was the Dayo FC Football Club, Tandun District, Rokan Hulu Regency, amounting to 15 people. The research sample of the Dayo FC Football Club, Tandun District, Rokan Hulu Regency was 15 people, with a total sampling technique. To measure the explosive power of the leg muscles, a vertical jump test is used, to measure the distance of the Heading a heading test is used. The data analysis technique used the produc moment correlation analysis with ? = 0.05. The results of the study in this study indicate that the vertikal jump test 0f 0,388 is categorized as sufficent and the heading test is obtained 7,017 in the sufficient category. Analisis of data  of 0,721 with  0,497 at a significant  level of 5 % the magnitude of the reltionship is 51,98 % or 0,519 is categorizedas strong enogh. Then thus explosive power of the leg muscles and the heading of the ball at FC foot ball club is realated


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