Variasi Latihan Fisik Anggota Brimob Batalyon B Pelopor Manggala Jonction Rokan Hilir


  • Ahiruddin Ahiruddin Universitas Rokania
  • Debby Indah


Latihan fisik


 The aim of this research is to describe the variations in physical training given by the Brimob Battalion B Manggala Jonction Rokan Hilir trainer. The type of research used is descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 20 members of Brimob Battalion B Jonction Rokan Hilir. With a sample size of 20 people. The test instruments used are observation and documentation. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Variations in training for Brimob Battalion B members, Pioneers of Manggala Jonction Rokan Hilir, performance is optimal or the system implemented has produced results as expected so that the physical characteristics of Brimob members are good, 2) Battalion B Pioneers of Manggala Jonction Rokan Hilir is currently managed by the Riau Regional Police under the supervision of the National Police's Mobile Brigade Headquarters so that the management structure is in accordance with their respective duties.

