Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Kamu; Kenangan Tentang Luka Dan Cinta Karya Adeliany Azfar


  • Mafika Sari Universitas Rokania


Kata Kunci:

Educational Value, characters, Novel


This research aims to describe the value of character education in Novel Kamu; Kenangan Tentang Luka Dan Cinta by Adeliany Azfar. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The research object is a novel Kamu; Kenangan Tentang Luka Dan Cinta Karya Adeliany Azfar by Adeliani Azfar. The data of this research is in the form of aspects of character education value in the novelYou; Memories of Love by Adeliani Azfar. The instrument used is in the form of table media in the form of criteria consisting of several aspects of character education values. Data analysis techniques are (1) identifying data that has been found, (2) interpreting data that describes the value of character education, and (3) formulating conclusions from the analysis results regarding the value of character education in the novelYou; Memories of Love by Adeliani Azfar. The results of the research found the value of character education in 16 aspects in the novelYou; Memories of Wounds and Loveby Adeliany Azfar. The dominant character education value from the novel is the value of socially caring characters.

Biografi Penulis

Mafika Sari, Universitas Rokania

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Cara Mengutip

Sari, M. (2024). Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Kamu; Kenangan Tentang Luka Dan Cinta Karya Adeliany Azfar. JOURNAL OF LITERATURE ROKANIA, 3(1), 14 - 29.