Implementation of Business Intelligence for Analyzing and Visualizing Data on Hacker-Affected Regions Using Data Studio
Kata Kunci:
Business Intelligence, Data Studio, Data Visualization, Cybersecurity Analytics, Hacker-Affected RegionsAbstrak
Business Intelligence (BI) implementation using Google Data Studio is a solution for analyzing and visualizing data from hacker-affected regions. This study focuses on integrating Data Studio with data warehouse systems to provide interactive and reliable reports that assist organizations in making informed business decisions. The research methodology includes downloading datasets from Kaggle, processing the data using Google BigQuery, and visualizing it in Data Studio. Key outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of BI in transforming raw data into actionable insights through interactive dashboards, visualized as bar charts, scatter plots, and pie charts. The analysis provides organizations with an enhanced understanding of hacker activities and affected areas, enabling timely decision-making. The research also highlights the advantages of Data Studio as a cost-free, user-friendly platform for real-time data integration and visualization. Future work suggests incorporating advanced visualizations with better aesthetics and diagrammatic representations to further improve analytical insights
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